
At Nomadic Webs we have set up a system allowing you and us to track the progress of your campaign and make adjustments on the go. We monitor and analyse your your keyword rankings and KPI. Our SEO experts take into account a wide variety of factors in particular keyword positions, backlink status, indexation, Google Webmaster, Google Analytics, SSL status, on page errors, load speed issues, bounce rate, conversion rate, local visibility and click-through rates (CTRs).



We prepare monthly SEO reports so both you and us are aligned in terms of your campaign progress. During our consultations, we provide a comprehensive report which outlines the effectiveness of your website: keywords, general traffic and rating advances. By reporting on a monthly basis we keep you in the loop of everything that goes on in our SEO campaign and gives you an understanding of what to expect.



Our SEO process is always evolving, we are constantly correcting and manipulating our strategies with algorithm updates and new trends in mind. Search engines are dynamic, and the needs of your industry are also changing. By trusting our SEO team you are getting all the necessary corrections and can gurarantee yourself reliable management of your campaign.
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